The author of this book has done a great job uncovering the details about the serial killer in Nazi controlled Paris. The story is grisly, informing, and fascinating. It covers different aspects of WWII in Paris in detail – often going outside the main story to give a sense of what else is going on. I learned a lot about Paris, WWII, the arts at the time of the occupation, the French legal system, and of course, the serial killer Marcel Petiot.
This is one of the best true crime books I have read. The author covers a relatively unknown killer and really goes into detail for his defense and court proceedings. At times Petiot comes across as a madman, other times a genius. The author is able to convey this complex, real life personality without shading the character too much in any one direction.
If you are interested in true crime at all, then pick up this book. Highly recommended.